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  • Links to archival databases, online archives, oral histories, sources for old photos or whatever other resources I can’t wait to share

  • Favorite archival records and what I like to call old documents that could be written tomorrow

  • Archival searches click by click

  • Commentary from the perspective of a writer and archivist

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images of typewritten text, brown boxes on shelves and color map of building foot printsimages of typewritten text, brown boxes on shelves and color map of building foot printsimages of typewritten text, brown boxes on shelves and color map of building foot prints
Archival documents, stacks and maps

To learn more about me and what I am working on you can go to my website www.marybhansen.com.

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Bringing my passion for archives and researching together with my desire to write


I am a writer and an archivist who writes about writing, archives, and research. Sharing archival resources is one of my most favorite things to do in the world!